Monday, May 30, 2016

Dear You!

Dear You,
Right now you’re feeling insecure. You are feeling like you’re not good enough; pretty enough; smart enough; or just plain enough. You’re feeling like you try so hard, but sometimes it’s not good enough.
In your heart, you know that you are capable of so much. It’s not that you don’t love yourself, but you’re just not feeling completely “yourself” at the moment. I want to remind you of a few things. I want to remind you are that are so kindhearted, and that people value your friendship and the love that you give. I want to remind you that you are loved by so many people, even when they don’t always remind you of this themselves. I want to remind you that you are an incredible person and that you contribute so much to this world with your unique talents, gifts, and personality. I want to remind you that there is nobody quite like you in this world. And that is a thing to cherish.
It’s okay to feel insecure; insecurity is a natural feeling. But darling, don’t let it take you over. Please stop comparing yourself to others. Believe it or not, the people that you compare yourself to also compare themselves to others at time, and probably have compared themselves to you! We all get insecure, and sometimes we all don’t feel like we are enough. Please know in your heart that these differences between you and others are what makes our world such a wonderful place to live in. Dearest You, please value your uniqueness and never wish you were born a different way. You are God’s child. And He made you Enough.
Know that you are so beautiful. No, I’m not talking about just your looks. I’m talking about your inside. You have so much to offer, and anyone would be lucky to cross your path in their life. You are kind, gentle, thoughtful, funny, and fun to be around. People leave this world better because of you. Do you know how special that is? That your presence contributes to a better world? My dearest You, why have you forgotten that? In the end, the only thing that matters is how you made others feel.
Dearest You, I want to ask a favor of you. Please think back to when you felt most proud of yourself. Was it when you were graduating college? When you had your first born child? When you earned your dream job? I would like for you to go back in that moment when you felt invincible. Hold that memory close to your heart. Remember how capable you are of changing the world and how unstoppable you are. Insecurity is nothing but a few negative thoughts that drag you deeper and deeper down the more that you let them bother you. I would like for you to remember a positive experience that will lift you back up from those depths and remember how much you love yourself.
Dearest You, I know you can rise above this. Don’t let a hardened heart prevent you from being wonderful You. Shake off those feelings. The world is yours for the taking. But only if you believe in yourself.
I know that deep in your heart, you know your worth. You just needed to be reminded of it.

Love always,

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Teachable moments..

Call unto me, And I will answer thee, and shwe thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3 (kjv)
I could tell by the look on his face that my little guy was upset about something. Kneeling down I asked, “What’s wrong, Caleb?”
“I can’t find my game, and I’ve looked everywhere!”
Feeling confident it was somewhere in the house, I agreed to help him look. We rummaged through closets and toy boxes. I combed through every room in the house, while Caleb frantically searched all the dresser drawers.
After 20 minutes, I started thinking maybe the treasured toy had been accidentally left at school or lost during one of our many errands.
My heart ached as I watched the tears puddle up in my sweet boy’s eyes. So I asked, “Caleb, have you prayed and asked Jesus to help you find it?”
“No Mom … will you pray for me?”
Huddled together we paused and prayed, calling on the One who has all the answers. We asked Him to reveal exactly where the game was mysteriously hiding.
As I wiped the tears from Caleb’s eyes, we agreed that it was now time to wait and trust Jesus to answer our prayers when the time was right.
I knew this wouldn’t be easy.

was still longing to have his treasured item back, and asking an 5-year-old boy to trust in an invisible God was a big request that required even greater faith.
Ten minutes later, I heard him running down the hall. “I found it! I found it!!”

With pure joy beaming from his face, Caleb waved the lost item in his hands.“Where was it, Caleb?”
“In my sleeping bag,” he said.“How did you know it was in your sleeping bag?”
Looking at me with a countenance of confidence he said, “Jesus told me it was there!”
We hugged and celebrated together — thanking God for answering our prayers.

I’ve discovered that these “things” can be spiritual truths, which He shows us in His Word or practical things like giving Caleb a thought to check his sleeping bag which he hadn’t used in weeks.
God loves us. He cares enough to speak to us about the little and big things in our lives. There is nothing we care about that God doesn’t want us to bring to Him.
Have you lost something you love and long to have it back? Are you rummaging through life looking for answers and not sure what to do next?
If it’s a big deal to you, then it’s a big deal to God. He wants you to come to Him about everything. No request is too small. No problem you face is too trivial or insignificant for God.He’s invited you to ask, so ask and trust that He will answer.

Heavenly Father, sometimes I don’t want to bother You with the small problems I’m facing in life. I often wonder if they seem trivial or if I’m wasting Your time asking for help. Thank You for inviting me to come and ask You about anything. The big issues and the small ones. Thank You for loving me and reminding me what matters to me does matter to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

19 reasons why THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN THE SEXES.. And why it does Matter!

19 basic differences between the sexes

  1. Right down to every last gene the sexes are unique: (XX, XY chromosome) Male and female as separate acts of creation!
  2. Studies have proven that differences are neurological and genetic in origin and are highly resistant to change by the influences of culture. Men and women are the same the world over!
  3. Socializing: Whether tennis or cards: women often use the event as an excuse for fellowship and pleasant conversation. For men, the name of the game is conquest.
  4. A man's world is focused outside the home in work and recreation. A women's world is strongly focused within the home and on family.
  5. Self-esteem: Men develop the evidence of their worthiness primarily from their jobs, being respected in business, profession or craft. Women, and especially homemakers, depend primarily on the romantic relationship with their husbands for ego support. This explains why the emotional content of a marriage is usually more important to women and why the little tokens of affection are appreciated more by wives, who obtain esteem from these expressions of love and generosity.
  6. Women need continual reassurance from their husband that they are loved, needed and valued. Because men do not need this kind of reassurance from their wives, they often fail to see their wife's need for it and neglect to give it. The wife then develops a feeling of being "unloved and unvalued", which the husband will assure is unfounded.
  7. Women tend to remember anniversary dates and birthdays. Men tend to remember dates like when the mortgage payment is due and feel their wife gets "overly upset" if they forget the anniversary.
  8. Mothers become emotionally attached to their children prior to birth by the virtue of carrying the child in her body. Men do not become emotionally bonded to the child for several months after the birth when the infant begins to smile, respond and interact with him.
  9. Sexual arousal: Men are visually oriented, caring less about the romantic component or personal identity. Men can easily separate love and sex. She is attracted not to a photograph of an unknown model or by a handsome stranger, but to a particular man with whom she has entered into an emotional relationship. Women usually combine love and sex.
  10. Men do not have as strong a desire and need for stability, security and enduring relationships as women do.
  11. Women experience emotional influences that men do not because of the reproductive capacity: (cycles, pregnancy, lactation, menopause)
  12. At a birthday party of five year olds, its not usually the girls who pull hair, throw punches or smear each other with food.
  13. The play habits of young girls is almost exclusively in real life domestic situations, playing house, school etc. In contrast, young boy's play is usually in the fantasy world, blasting Martians with a laser gun to save the world.
  14. In a time of crisis, women tend to react with reference to their feelings. Men tend not to react with reference to feelings but with deducted thought and reason. God may have placed man as the head of his wife because of this one God-ordained difference between the sexes.
  15. In our material society, we place a higher value on the quality of being a "rational calculator" for it is this quality which is necessary for success in business and making money. Yet this quality is of little value for the happiness of the home. So while the man may be better equipped to lead and support the family, it is the woman who is better equipped to keep the family itself happy and emotionally healthy. The sexes are equal, but different.
  16. Women are usually credited with possessing "mothers intuition" in regard to not just her children but all personal relationships. She may not be able to explain it, but she has a feeling about the situation that the man does not. She is usually right! Yet while she may be single-handedly responsible for sensing the situation, the man can usually chose the most appropriate course of action.
  17. Husbands and wives have qualities the other does not. Each has qualities the other needs. The two are one flesh, a unit, incomplete without the other. Society places much greater value on the masculine qualities. This has driven many women to feel "unfulfilled" in the home environment. Many women, being influenced by society and the images of TV, do not feel valued unless they are working outside the home for money. They would feel ashamed to be "just a housewife". This is very sad indeed.
  18. School: Boys tend to excel girls in math and science subjects. Girls tend to excel boys in English and arts subjects.
  19. Women possess a strong "maternal instinct" that men do not.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Do you know the value of MERCY?

Luke 6:36 - Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

Why are we to be merciful??
Because the God whom we claim to love IS MERCIFUL.. Especially towards us!

Did he give you what you deserved?

James 2:13 - For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
Is this what you want?? To have God restrain from you the mercy he has up until now shown you? 

Our culture is a merciless culture right now.. 
They want mercy for themselves.. but refuse to show it to anyone else.. 

And just that kind of attitude is what PROMOTES God saying.. Fine I will do unto you what you do unto others..

Natural consequences.. btw for anyone who is a psychology major!

Matthew 5:7 - Blessed [are] the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

This here is exactly how God handles us.. DAY IN DAY OUT.. He forgives our sins.. only thing he asks is atleast ask for it.. Confess your mistakes.. 

Geez that seems easy enough.. 

Now tell me.. In your heart if someone did something bad to you.. Are you likely to forgive them if they just ignore that they ever even did the offensive behavior?

Or are you more likely (Just like GOD to want them to fess up and just be man or woman enough to say.. Yep.. I screwed up.. I did it.. Please forgive me.. The guilt is getting to me)

Matthew 9:13 - But go ye and learn what [that] meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Proverbs 31:31

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Are you a Godly person??

1. A godly man is a just man – Micah 6:8
2. A godly man is a man of mercy – Micah 6:8
3. A godly man is a man of humility – Micah 6:8
4. A godly man is blameless – Psalms 15
5. A godly man is righteous – Psalms 15
6. A godly man is truthful – Psalms 15
7. A godly man does not slander – Psalms 15
8. A godly man is kind to neighbors – Psalms 15
9. A godly man despises evil – Psalms 15
10. A godly man keeps promises, even to his hurt – Psalms 15
11. A godly man is giving, not greedy – Psalms 15
12. A godly man is a man of integrity – Psalms 15
13. A godly man is unshakeable – Psalms 15
14. A godly man is holy – Ephesians 1:4
15. A godly man is a doer of the word of God – James 1:25
16. A godly man is fruitful – Galatians 5:22-23, Psalms 1:3
17. A godly man delights in the Lord’s commands – Psalms 1:1
18. A godly man is prosperous – Psalms 1:3
19. A godly man does not blend in with the world – Psalms 1:1
20. A godly man strives for perfection in Christ – Matthew 5:48

Apostle Paul had to be obedient

Romans 1:1-5 KJV
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, [2] (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) [3] Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; [4] And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: [5] By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:

They received apostleship FOR obedience to the faith..

Its like God is saying that he'd only have chosen these men as apostleship because he knew they'd be obedient to the calling!

Especially if you look back up at the  part in version 2 about how this was fulfilling prophecy!

Proverbs 31:23

Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

I am going to be very honest..

In my neighborhood..




Screaming ....

And Cussing....

But that is Not the case now..

Mind you in my families case.. It litterally took us splitting up.. 

Coming to the brink of divorce.. Not once..
Not twice..

Three times! Before we started to learn what God wanted for us..

Now I hope your not as hard headed as I am! OY!

Click to View
Gen 3:16
Eph 5:22-24
Col 3:18
Tit 2:5
1 Pet 3:1-7
1 Cor 11:3

My husband had a lesson to learn..

While God’s Word commands women to submit to their husbands it never tells men that it’s their job to make sure their wives submit to them. Don’t think for second that you need to lay down the law and “show her who’s boss”!
As a husband your job is to love like Christ loves. One of the best ways you can do that is by simply being a friend to your wife.
Make sure she knows that you value her companionship, find ways to relax together and engage her in heartfelt conversation.
It will be easier and more pleasant for her to submit to you as a friend than for her to submit to you as a harsh master!

I’m talking about things that matter here. Take the initiative to be a spiritual leader in your family and lead by example.
Be regular in your Study of God’s Word and personal prayer time.
If you have kids make sure you have a regular time when you can read and teach God’s Word with them too.
Don’t be lazy about your “honey-do” list or anything else for that matter!
Be known for honesty and faithfulness at home and work.

But then again.. So did I!

The submission of a wife is a management position, not slavery!
The wife must subject herself to her husband by placing him in the position of leadership a husband cannot force his wife into subjection, she controls this.


There are all sorts of scriptural "Submission"

  1. Creation subjected to futility in hope to be set free from slavery: Rom 8:20-21
  2. Christ submitted demons to the Christians of 1st century: Lk 10:17-20
  3. Subjection to the word of God: Christians submit: 2 Cor 9:13. Unbelievers: will not subject themselves to God's word: Rom 8:7; Rom 10:1-3
  4. Christians must bring their bodies into subjection to their spirits: 1 Cor 9:27
  5. Wives of prophets within the assembly must submit to their husbands by showing special silence other women did not have to show: 1 Cor 14:34-35
  6. Women must receive instruction with entire submissiveness: 1 Tit 2:11-12


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Proverbs 31:22

She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

This section speaks to me about her home..


Making things beautiful in her home..
... CHOICE 1 - 53"x56" Tapestry Wall Hangings -

Clothing her home in beauty and filling the hearts and minds of her family with blessings..

Does your home inspire your family to follow Jesus and his ways..

Or does your surroundings remind them of a bomb shelter??
(I won't lie some days.. mine looks like this!)

... of 2 Inspirational Live For Today Decorative Tapestry Throw Pillows 12

Friday, May 13, 2016

Christians need to wake up!

I went to a strip club

strip clubA while back I was asked by a group of pastor’s wives to go with them to strip clubs.
That sentence alone sounds strange. But hang with me.
At first I was a little hesitant. And not for reasons you might think.
I love people. Especially ones who are broken; it’s part of my calling. But, given what I’ve walked through, I know how fragile broken people can be.
And I know how insensitive the church can be.
And I was uneasy.
But, these weren’t just any pastors wives.
They had a vision.
One that longed to love on women that society had thrown aside.
It reminded me a lot of Jesus.
So, I jumped on it.
Their plan was to visit these clubs once a month to deliver a meal and gift baskets. I joined them the first night and I’ll be honest, I had NO IDEA what to expect.
Now, I had my fair share of time (back in the day) in bars and such, but I’d never been to a strip club. I was totally unaware of what I was walking into.
We arrived and the bouncer ushered us back into the dressing room where we introduced ourselves and began distributing the gifts and food.
I was shocked by what I saw.
And I’ll tell you why:
I was raised to believe that no good comes from places like that. Which is probably true on many levels. (I wouldn’t suggest making it your go-to for date nights)
But, I was filled (as were many Christian kids) with fear about “places like that”. That “those people” were heathens and doing all kinds of sinful, shameful things.
Which, again, is true of strip clubs.
And bars.
And many other places.
Even churches.
But, these girls – these lovely, girls – were so…..normal.
As I talked with one in particular, she reminded me of any young mom I’d talk to in the school pick up line.
Minus the fact that she didn’t have much clothing on – I tried not to focus on that.
(Oh dear God, she’s talking about strippers in a Christian blog and talking about them being half naked. We should not EVEN be thinking such things! First, my sweet friend, it’s okay to laugh. Like seriously, it’s OKAY. The fact that 4 pastors wives and their pregnant friend even went into a strip club is kinda funny. If you’re going to walk with Jesus, you’re going to find yourself in some pretty awkward situations. And if you don’t have a sense of humor, you’re toast. Like seriously. So, I give you full permission to go ahead and laugh at the mental picture):)
They showed pictures of their children, talked of pregnancy (I was pregnant at the time) chatted about trying to get back in shape after having a baby, etc. It was SO NORMAL.
But, as we talked, and I looked into their eyes, I saw women – young, broken women. Who had stories, probably much like mine or yours.
We didn’t stay long. They had a shift to work, and we didn’t want to overstay our welcome.
But, as we left, they thanked us.
More than once.
As I drove home, I totally fell apart in my car.
Not because I felt sorry for them. Not because I thought I was so much better than they were. Not because I pitied their circumstance.
I cried because my heart was broken .
One thing the Lord continues to do in my heart, is humble it. Like over and over. Countless times, I think I’m going in to minister to some lowly soul and then I walk out, completely undone because the condition of my own heart was exposed.
I wept before God asking for His forgiveness in the way I had viewed women in that profession.
Because, people – that could have been me.
It could have been any of us.
Had my journey taken a few different turns, I very well could have been on the receiving end of that encounter.
I had my baby shortly after that visit and didn’t get to go back for the monthly visits to see the women.
But, I stayed in contact with one of the women organizing it and every so often, I ask her how it’s going.
They have been visiting them for a year now and received permission to leave a prayer box where the women could leave prayer requests.
The first few times they collected the box it had silly things written in it.
But they continued to leave it there.
Over the following weeks and months (as they continued to love on these women), the prayer requests got real.
Real situations
Real hurt
Real needs
Last time my friend and I got together, I asked about the strip clubs and this is what she said:
Her eyes always, always fill with tears when we talk about it because God is SO in love with these precious women.
She said, “The women are starting to reach out more. I’ve been texting with one and getting to connect with her a bit deeper”
We talked a bit more and she turned to me and said something that I am  still rattled by.
“You know what one of them said to me last time?”
“She said that she was so glad we come to visit them because we’re not like the other churches”
I said, “what did she mean by that?”
She said, “Apparently other churches send them hate mail. ALL THE TIME”
I’m sure my face turned three shades of white.
Complete shock and disbelief gripped me.
We both looked at eachother and about fell into a pool of tears right there.
People – church –  WHAT ARE WE DOING?!
Did we forget (or do we just sing it songs) that Jesus was a friend of sinners?
Did we forget that it’s his kindness that leads us to repentance?
Did we forget that it is ONLY the blood of Jesus that makes us holy?
That ALL OF OUR GOOD BIBLE LOVING STUFF is like filthy rags without Him?
Jesus was UNAFRAID of walking in love to the least of the least.
Like the scum of the scum.
He walked right in, sat down and ate with sinners.
Gross, ugly sinners.
And the religious HATED HIM FOR IT.
A few years ago, I met with another pastor’s wife across the country who shared with me a similar ministry, although after months of developing relationships with the dancers, they asked the owners a crazy question.
They asked to hold a Bible study.
Just for the dancers.
Surprisingly, they were given a yes.
(Something about it building morale in the employees, but whatever. It was a yes!)
So, they started leading a Bible study in the club.
But, something was missing.
And those ministering knew it.
The women they were ministering to needed to be led by a man – not because these women were incapable, but because of the damaged, skewed image they had of men. They needed to see a man who was safe – they needed a man who knew Jesus.
This woman’s husband (who was a pastor) stepped up and took on the challenge. And, for months the dancers wouldn’t even look him in the eye.
But he kept showing up….
Soon, one by one, the women met Jesus through this pastor’s humble, gentle leadership.
There were prayer sessions.
Women were set free.
And many went on to lead, healthy restored lives.
All because this group of women and this pastor were unafraid to go where God was leading them.
I’m not suggesting that we all have this calling.
I am not the Holy Spirit.
What I AM saying to you is that if Jesus were here, walking among us, wouldn’t it be just like him to walk into the most un-Christlike place (strip club or whatever) and completely freak the religious folk out?
Just a thought.
He loved then.
He loves now.
But, he can only reach as far as you and I are willing to go.

Proverbs 31:21

She is not afraid of the snow for her household:for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

Now I happen to live near Buffalo Ny..

So guess what... This is a picture of SNOWVEMBER.. Which brought us 5+ feet of snow in one night..

But bearing this kind of snowfall..

Our bible tells us a diligent and virtuous wife wouldn't be afraid..

So do you have water? Food? 

ATLEAST a small few day stockpile where you and your loved ones wouldn't go without!

Now I can honestly say in my house we have at minimum 2 weeks worth of food at any given time.. Aslong as the electric doesn't give out.. Because I have 2 refrigerators each with a freezer and a large stand up freezer..

I also have determined to start canning.. So I have some shelves that are going to be going up..

I guess I do need to find a way to stock up on water though..

They say you need a gallon of water per person per day..
for cleaning, cooking, washing and drinking.

If you wonder where I get my info on things like this..

My dad years ago started me thinking about this kind of thing..

He had been a Vietnam Veteran and always said..
"What if.. Just think about the worst possible thing.. What if that happened.. What would you do.. How would you behave.. Now prepare so you never need to scramble!"
Love you Dad!!

As to the portion of our scriptures that says her family is clothed in scarlet.. That is a reference to being richly array'd and yes.. it is huge to make sure your family has enough of everything.. Clothes, shoes, and so much more.. But also think about the things that aren't so often thought of..

~First Aide equipment
~Pet supplies
~Guns and Ammo..(To re-supply your meat supply..)

I guess my meaning is God's word describes us being prepared for what we will face.. And honestly none of us know exactly what that means.. But we do know one thing.. The only thing that is certain.. Is Change! lol!

Side note as a result of that Snowvember storm there was definately some change.. An inside joke in my area.. Is that by 2020  they will need to hire more kindergarten teachers..

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Proverbs 31:20

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

Helping Others quotes - Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want ...

This woman stretches forth her hands to the poor. She meets their needs. She actually cares. She isn't just talking to hear herself talk. The person in need she does more than just look at them.. she lends a helping hand.
Inspirational Quote: “Wherever there is a human being, there is an ...

~Praying for those in spiritual need
~ Passing food to them who are in need of groceries.
~Lending a helping hand in small and large ways..

Volenteering at a local food shelter..

Reading to the elderly

younger man older woman dating tips. Girl Reading to Older Woman In ...

Donating things to Domestic Violence Shelters
(Remember not to give away things that really should be going in the garbage.. No one is blessed by giving them stuff that they now have to pay to have towed away!)

In whatever you do.. MAKE SURE YOUR LEAVING Peace Prints!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Proverbs 31:19

She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
Girl with spindle and distaff

A distaff was originally a short staff that held a bundle of fibers - of flax or wool, for example - ready to be spun into yarn or thread. Since spinning was a basic daily task customarily done by women, the distaff came to be the symbol for the work or domain of women.

This is definately saying that this woman is working hard. She is clothing her family. I believe it is a direct clue into how she clothes her family in scarlet and purple..

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Proverbs 31:18

She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

It is a great thing to know that you have something worth contributing to both the world at large.. and your own friend and family community!

bustling marketplace in Ahmadebad, India

This Woman knows that her merchandise is good!

#1 It automatically means she has the ability and talent and diligence to do something that has the ability to be bought or sold in the market place.

06 One Market Place Pinnacle DB.jpg (208563 bytes)

This is a really very easy verse.. It means she is busy.. She is out doing the best she can with her hands and mind daily.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Proverbs 31:17

17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

This one really is quite strait forward..

This valueable, tresured and honorable woman knows how to keep herself and her house STRONG!!

First thing first.. You must build up your own home..

Don't be like the woman in Proverbs 14:1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

Who tears down her home with her own hands...
I personally have wept many bitter tears for the foolish things I have done inside my home.

~ Words I said that can't be unsaid.
~An attitude of "BE RIGHT" And arguing with my husband towards that end.. Making both me and he miserable because of the PRIDE inside my heart.. OH THE MISERY I CAUSED EARLY ON!
*One lesson I learned is a humble heart will avoid the argument.. The proud heart will charge into it like there's no reason not to make sure everyone gets a piece of her mind.*
~ Having an I got you attitude towards my children.. EX Telling the kids to go clean their room and then searching it like a bloodhound for the one thing they didn't do well.. just to tell them nope.. do that.. you missed something..
*Kids need to be treated with kindness and respect too.. If they legitimately tried.. COMPLIMENT ALL OF what they did right.. before you complain about the one thing they missed..*
~Being Ungreatful for what he did bring home.. Instead of complaining about well now we can't do this or that.. blah blah blah.. Oh how I hate this critical side of myself.. 

*By the way.. This critical attitude was learned from my mother.. She would come in and play that I caught you behavior on me as a kid.. So consequentially I never felt like I could keep up.. And then I passed on the misery to my own children and husband.. by treating them that way.. OH MAMMA'S PLEASE IF I COULD BEG YOU.. Stop the cycles in your own family tree's.. They don't have to be passed down anymore!*

But she girdeth her loins..

If you look in Ephesians 6:14 

It says.. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

So how do you GIRD your loins.. WITH TRUTH!!

Using God’s Holy Ghost she guards her mind, resisting evil thoughts, gossip, slander and idle chatter. She does not allow her mind to be cluttered with worldly things. “Love not the world neither the things that re in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, The lust of the flesh, The lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. ” (1 John 2:15–16). We also read: “If ye then be raisen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:1–2). She does not allow herself to dwell on the cares of life until they crowd out her spiritual growth.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Proverbs 31:16

16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

"Why does God expect women to not work"
Is a question I HAVE HEARD a thousand times if I have heard it once!

Here's my answer.. God doesn't expect a woman to be laying around doing nothing.. eating the proverbial BON BON..

Bonbon Graphics and Animated Gifs. Bonbon

God has other tasks for her..

Look at this verse and remember this is a woman GOD set up in the bible as one of honor.. 

So lets see some of her valuable traits.

She considereth a field

~It means she isn't some ditzy chick chatting about the color of the newest fashion magazine

She is a thinking woman.. She considers things.. ponders the value.. reasons within herself.. Gets all the facts before she acts. She is a contemplative woman.. per se let me say her value is there because "still waters run deep"

She doesn't run out and just act.. so she's still.. But she is deep in thought.. Deep in prayer.. seeking God's will about all the things

~God expects a woman to stay busy..
Running her home, Caring for her family, Guiding and training her children in how to become independent successful and valuable contributing member..

To be a successful leader you must understand the basic human needs ...
PEOPLE think the only kind of contribution that matters is that of a paycheck in the bank..

But what about well adjusted children? How much does this weigh in value? Kids who feel loved and wanted? Kids who have a great education in both skills like dance and art.. etc..

Be she a homeschooling mom or not.. If she endevors to cook dinner for her hubby when he gets home.. and care for the kids.. read them a story etc..

She isn't going to be bored.. and eating the fruits of laziness!

The Fruit of her hands

She planteth a vineyard

The vineyard of kibbutz-based Tzora. Tzora Vineyards

Now I had to look it up.. How did they crush up the grapes??

BiblePlaces Blog: Picture of the Week: Treading Winepress

I don't know if this makes me weird.. BUT.. I think that'd be great!

I know I'd probably end up in the drink per se.. but I sure would have fun squishing..