Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
I am going to be very honest..
In my neighborhood..

Screaming ....
And Cussing....
But that is Not the case now..
Mind you in my families case.. It litterally took us splitting up..
Coming to the brink of divorce.. Not once..
Not twice..
Three times! Before we started to learn what God wanted for us..

Now I hope your not as hard headed as I am! OY!

Gen 3:16
Eph 5:22-24
Col 3:18
Tit 2:5
1 Pet 3:1-7
1 Cor 11:3
My husband had a lesson to learn..
While God’s Word commands women to submit to their husbands it never tells men that it’s their job to make sure their wives submit to them. Don’t think for second that you need to lay down the law and “show her who’s boss”!
As a husband your job is to love like Christ loves. One of the best ways you can do that is by simply being a friend to your wife.
Make sure she knows that you value her companionship, find ways to relax together and engage her in heartfelt conversation.
It will be easier and more pleasant for her to submit to you as a friend than for her to submit to you as a harsh master!
I’m talking about things that matter here. Take the initiative to be a spiritual leader in your family and lead by example.
Be regular in your Study of God’s Word and personal prayer time.
If you have kids make sure you have a regular time when you can read and teach God’s Word with them too.
Don’t be lazy about your “honey-do” list or anything else for that matter!
Be known for honesty and faithfulness at home and work.

But then again.. So did I!
The submission of a wife is a management position, not slavery!
The wife must subject herself to her husband by placing him in the position of leadership a husband cannot force his wife into subjection, she controls this.
There are all sorts of scriptural "Submission"
I am going to be very honest..
In my neighborhood..
Screaming ....
And Cussing....
But that is Not the case now..
Mind you in my families case.. It litterally took us splitting up..
Coming to the brink of divorce.. Not once..
Not twice..
Three times! Before we started to learn what God wanted for us..
Now I hope your not as hard headed as I am! OY!

Gen 3:16
Eph 5:22-24
Col 3:18
Tit 2:5
1 Pet 3:1-7
1 Cor 11:3
My husband had a lesson to learn..
While God’s Word commands women to submit to their husbands it never tells men that it’s their job to make sure their wives submit to them. Don’t think for second that you need to lay down the law and “show her who’s boss”!
As a husband your job is to love like Christ loves. One of the best ways you can do that is by simply being a friend to your wife.
Make sure she knows that you value her companionship, find ways to relax together and engage her in heartfelt conversation.
It will be easier and more pleasant for her to submit to you as a friend than for her to submit to you as a harsh master!
I’m talking about things that matter here. Take the initiative to be a spiritual leader in your family and lead by example.
Be regular in your Study of God’s Word and personal prayer time.
If you have kids make sure you have a regular time when you can read and teach God’s Word with them too.
Don’t be lazy about your “honey-do” list or anything else for that matter!
Be known for honesty and faithfulness at home and work.
But then again.. So did I!
The submission of a wife is a management position, not slavery!
The wife must subject herself to her husband by placing him in the position of leadership a husband cannot force his wife into subjection, she controls this.
There are all sorts of scriptural "Submission"
- Creation subjected to futility in hope to be set free from slavery: Rom 8:20-21
- Christ submitted demons to the Christians of 1st century: Lk 10:17-20
- Subjection to the word of God: Christians submit: 2 Cor 9:13. Unbelievers: will not subject themselves to God's word: Rom 8:7; Rom 10:1-3
- Christians must bring their bodies into subjection to their spirits: 1 Cor 9:27
- Wives of prophets within the assembly must submit to their husbands by showing special silence other women did not have to show: 1 Cor 14:34-35
- Women must receive instruction with entire submissiveness: 1 Tit 2:11-12
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