Wednesday, April 30, 2014

THE BIBLE... Where did it come from??

The BIBLE... What is it?
Personally I believe it is GOD'S WORD.

Here are a few deductive reasons why I see the bible as God's word...Using the Resurrection as proof.
Because really Everything in the Gospel is based on the Resurrection anyhow!

1. That Jesus of Nazareth was actually raised from the dead is as certain as anything in ancient history from an historical investigation based on facts accepted by the vast majority of scholars, whether they be Christian believers or skeptical unbelievers.

2. Scholars agree that Jesus predicted he would be raised from the dead by "God," and this would be his chief sign that he was an accredited prophet of God in terms of his teaching and acts.

3. There is no natural explanation for a resurrection from the dead: that's just not something that happens in the course of nature. People die and stay dead. When one considers this and the truth of "2" above, it is clear that Jesus was raised from the dead supernaturally by "God." Only the creator and ruler of nature can do something like raise someone from the dead.

4. Thus, it follows that the resurrection proves that God exists, and is specifically the God Jesus taught about and followed, the God Jesus prophesied would raise him from the dead.

5. The God Jesus taught about and followed is the God revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament). In fact, Jesus took it for granted that what the Hebrew Scriptures revealed and taught is true without any errors. 

6. Thus God, in accrediting Jesus by raising him from the dead, has told us that the Old Testament is true, for he has accredited that what Jesus taught is true. And, as we have seen from "5," Jesus taught that the Old Testament is true.

7. Jesus also promised that God would further reveal himself through apostles that Jesus selected. Among other things, these apostles (or their close companions) wrote the New Testament. 

8. Thus God, in accrediting Jesus by raising him from the dead, has told us that the New Testament is true, for he has accredited that what Jesus taught is true. And, as we have seen from "5," Jesus taught that the New Testament would be the product of God speaking through the apostles.

9. Therefore, by raising Jesus from the dead and thereby accrediting him as a prophet, God has shown us that he, God exists, that he is specifically the God revealed in the Old and New Testaments, and that all those Scriptures teach is true. 

Where did God's word come from?
Was it written by God or man??
My answer: Both!

God breathed the words..
The men who were used and inspired by God.. Wrote them..

What makes that so hard for us to beleive?

Do you realize that there is more proof of God's word in every generation than there is for the words of Plato, Aristotle etc.. But we take those words as having been written by who they say they were written by?? Why? 

Why is it we question GOD... Yea.. God! 
Not that I want anyone to just mindlessly walk into their faith.. 

That is honestly the best part of the CHRISTIAN faith.. Is we have such a rich heritage. We have had hundreds and thousands of authors quoting from our scriptures.. in and out of multiple generations. 

But for me the truth of the words of God are proven.. in one very near and dear thing ..

No human would ever write something that is so negative in tone against the human nature.

No human would write stuff that makes you look and feel guilty.. We by nature don't like to feel guilty.. 

So we would want to write books and stories "self help" style maybe.. but even that.. is usually upbeat and written in such a way as not to offend..

NOPE.. God steps up and says.. Hey... YOUR A FOOL! 

The Fool has said in his heart there is no god.. 
Yea.. Not complimentary is it! 
But.. IT'S TRUE.. Now isn't it?? 

And the other things that God says in here.. Are just as accurate!

When it tells you that if you take out a loan.. Your a servant to that lender.. Yea.. You feel the weight of the pressure on you for when you are forced to pay back that money.. right? Your their servant.. That's why it feels so good when you've payed it off! 

Did you know that God never intended for you and I to live in debt??

We put ourselves into that misery.. Getting things that by the end of the loan that sometimes are not even worth what we agreed to pay.. Ironic isn't it?

The truth is.. God's word has been proved over the centuries in the lives of his people..

What other proof can we offer in the end?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Where is the OUTRAGE? Why are some nations allowed to do such atrocious things to their citizens

I know that I as an American Citizen am extremely blessed. Even in this time where there is much changing even in areas and directions I wish they weren't!

But there are things going on outside of our nation that make the things going on inside our borders seem rather minor. Yet we have people more worried about Who won the Dancing with the Stars Dance off's... Compared with the following article that has been circulating the internet..

An 8 year old Yemeni child bride, 

a mere girl, 

recently died on her wedding night from internal hemorrhaging


She was married to a man five times her age. As disgusting as the tradition of marrying off children to much older men is, it is common practice in Yemen. More than a quarter of the female population are married before the age of 15.
In 2010, a 12 year-old girl passed away after struggling for three days in labor, attempting to give birth to a baby. Countless other children have been subjected to similar atrocities.
Groups all over the world are working to snuff out this archaic and disgusting practice, but its proving difficult. The impoverished country is gripped by the practice of selling off children to be married; poor families find themselves unable to say no to “bride-prices” that can be hundreds of dollars for their daughters.

Why isn't anyone upset about this.. There have been hundreds and millions of dollars spent to create wells in Sierra Leon.. And justifiably so.. But where is the aide for the girls, women and children in general inside nations like YEMEN? Where Muslim believers allow things like this because of fear or worse poverty...

I know this is a small percentage of people in the nations that practice Islam.. However When counted together the total of people effected by these atrocities.. is MILLIONS of children and families being hurt!  WHY IS NO ONE UPSET? And why is no one doing anything about it?

The United Nations seems to ignore things like this.. yet wants to make big deals about small issues in the grand scheme of things.. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bad attitudes..Of the MOMMY variety!

Do mommies get bad attitudes??

NO! We want to say... Everything else causes it!! Right?

We so desperately want to hear that it really isn't our fault.. But ALAS...
We too are humans..

Yep.. I went there..

No mommy is an island.. No mommy is perfect..
And I don't know where we get the idea that we have to be..

Maybe it comes from the idea that if we are less than perfect that others will judge us.. often harshly..
But bad news again.. They probably already know our deep dark secret.. You know the one which we try to hide even from ourselves.. You know..
That we are Full of imperfections..
Flaws if you will..

So how can we ever overcome these "Flaws aka Attitudes"

(Php 4:4)  Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.  ARE YOU REJOICING.. IN ALL THINGS? Even in the worst situation.. you can rejoice.. God said rejoice.. In that moment you could say Praise God for "Y & Z" He didn't say you had to rejoice in the trial.. although that would help.. I know that is hard though..

(Php 4:5)  Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Are you being Moderate? Ex: If your issue that is causing your trial is financial in nature.. Is it due to overspending in one area? If so.. Here's the answer.. be moderate.. Don't spend so much on that dress, don't spend so much on the kids's shoes.. Really No one will die if it isn't a NIKE pair of shoes.. really! I promise!

(Php 4:6)  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Worry about NOTHING.. Worry does nothing but sap your energy, steal your joy and cause you to be STRESSED! So to avoid being this way.. Say many quick little prayers though out the day.. telling God about what it is that is causing this problem.. Asking him to work in that area.. Give it to him and don't try to shoulder that burden... 

(Php 4:7)  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. When you do that... Thanking God for the good.. Praying to him about the bad.. and handing it all to him.. He will give you PEACE! Seriously.. who couldn't use more of that??

(Php 4:8)  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Are your attitude problems because you have a hard time directing your thoughts to the good things? I know I do! I have severe depression and some days getting out of bed is all I can do.. But when I pray, fast and yes... GIVE IT TO JESUS.. Then intentionally sometimes in written form.. write out the good things, the honest things, the just things, the PURE things.. My mind focuses on better things to think on.. (At this point I will also say be careful to have GOOD MUSIC IN YOUR HOME.. Depressed people listening to songs filled with music that isn't uplifting... can contribute hugely to depression!)

(Php 4:9)  Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

(Php 4:10)  But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.

(Php 4:11)  Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

(Php 4:12)  I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

(Php 4:13)  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. God will strengthen you... But you must be part of the solution.. And that includes being in his word!

Friday, April 25, 2014

What can we learn from God's word Today?

If we are bible believers.. what does this mean to us?
This means that we need not worry about day to day things..
When we plant a crop.. 90% chance is we will harvest it.. 
The only thing we really have to worry about is if we will live to see the harvest. Not that I want to be morose..

This is actually a cause to celebrate

God has given us a promise from his word!
You can take it to the bank per se!

Now for people like me.. I live in NY! That means I can count on seeing summer.. 

See that is the thing about bible verses.. 
If you believe that the GOD who wrote them down.. 
And saw fit to see they were delivered to you..
And by that I mean.. believe what it says..

Because if you think about it.. God promises to elevate his word above even his own name.. He apparently takes his promises and his words pretty seriously!

Spiritual Dead Zone

For the last few months I have been really struggling.
I knew God wanted me doing a quiet time.. 
But there was just something there stopping me from being obedient.. even though I knew..Beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was better for me to read.. I just couldn't bring myself into obedience.
And I never really thought about why.. I should have.. but I hadn't..
Well this last week my church had a missionary in for a special meeting. Missionary Paul Scott  came and spoke to us..
Well Sunday messages were good but I would have to say that the messages on Monday were the best..
God got all over it! The Holy Ghost fell and spoke to all the hearts. 
Here is the link to this Monday service!
And for me it was God showing me my heart on why I had so rebelled against him and his word.. I didn't really think of it as that.. Until God showed me it had literally been an issue of me having wanted God to work things out in my life in a more "appropriate manner" as apparently God's ways hadn't been to my liking.. The irony isn't lost on me.. I was judging God and finding his ways to be less than the best he had to offer.. And as a result I pretty much was refusing to read my bible due to simply me being a pouting brat..

Who am I? Apparently my pride was at play in this as I thought I was capable of judging God.. Ya.. Not pretty on my part.. But God in his great love showed me my ridiculous reasoning and allowed me by his grace to repent of my ignorance.

Anyhow I have been working on doing a Daily devotion again and I can't tell you how much it has helped. My house is running smoother! My spirit, mind, mouth and attitude are all better... PRAISE GOD!!

God owed me nothing.. I know that..but in his mercy and in his grace he has richly blessed me.. And I am soooooo Grateful!  

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday ...Another thing I am glad NEVER "CAUGHT ON FROM FASHIONS OF THE PAST"

A mildly terrifying 1920s full faced swimming mask designed to protect women from the sun.

A mildly terrifying 1920s full faced swimming mask designed to protect women from the sun.

Proverbs 20:7

Pro 20:7  The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him

Can we take just a moment and look at this?


I always speak the truth. What I promise is what I deliver. I endever to only ever make agreements with myself and others that I can  and am willing and intending to keep. I communicate potential broken agreements at the first opportunity and I clear up all broken agreements immediately

This little bit is strait from

A word of advice to those who are striving for a reputation of integrity: Avoid those who are not trustworthy. Do not do business with them. Do not associate with them. Do not make excuses for them.  Do not allow yourself to get enticed into believing that “while they may be dishonest with others, they would never be dishonest with me.” If someone is dishonest in any aspect of his life you can be guaranteed that he will be dishonest in many aspects of his life. You cannot dismiss even those little acts of dishonesty, such as the person who takes two newspapers from the stand when they paid for only one. After all, if a person cannot be trusted in the simplest matters of honesty then how can they possibly be trusted to uphold lengthy and complex business contracts?
It is important to realize that others pay attention to those you have chosen to associate with, and they will inevitably judge your character by the character of your friends. Why is that?  It is best explained by a quote my father often says when he is reminding me to be careful of the company I am keeping:  “When you lie down with dogs you get fleas.” 

How could a CHILD.. 
Be blessed by his Parents being people of Integrity?

Well let's think about this.. If a child grew up in a home where INTEGRITY.. Was modeled.. would you think he would be the kind of child to steal? Probably not.. and if he did.. he'd be the child who his parents marched back into the store and into the manager's office! He'd learn his lessons.. sometimes from seeing what mommy and daddy did.. but also from them holding him accountable. 
How can you say that with so much assurance?
Well have you ever noticed that it is the thing you hold most dear  that they try to share.. So if Integrity is important.. you will want it to be taught.. And you can't have integrity by taking short cuts, by allowing injustices.. 

EX: Modern culture tells us that little Johnny couldn't deal with his self esteem being shattered by being held accountable for his bad grades.. BUT If mommy and daddy both hold personal integrity as a value.. They are going to go have a  talk with little Johnny about how his procrastination and not coming home and getting his school work done right away.. hampers his ability to get good grades.. And how that is his "job" 

So he would be taught work ethics, he would be taught the value of NOT PROCRASTINATING.. He would be taught that he is to respect his teachers instructions.. He would also be assuredly grounded for his bad behavior.. Until his grades came back up..

Can you think of how this would improve the child's future?

Now lets look at what our culture really is teaching:

If it feels good do it.. Regardless of the cost to you or others..

That surely isn't integrity!

Whatever you want.. you can have it.. buy it on credit... And if you can't pay it back.. GO BANKRUPT!

That surely isn't integrity!

I guess I am looking at the current trend in my nation.. and I fear for the future generation.. 

And I see here in God's word that.. 
To me that scares me!

Are your children going to suffer from what your teaching them..?
I don't want that for my kids.. I want my children to be blessed after me!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What is an apology? When are apologies necessary?

What is a "REAL" apology?
And when is a "REAL" apology necessary?

Lets look at that first question..

When do you want an apology from someone..
Usually it is when they have hurt you. When they did or said something that caused some kind of pain to you.

But it also can be when you observe a situation and you in your GUT feel like an apology is "in order"

Well I am investigating this thought process for a very unique purpose..

Biblically... WHEN do you deserve an apology?
And this leads me to the question.. When do you need to forgive?! 

That in itself is a TOUGH question..


When does God forgive sin's committed against him?

Matthew 6:12, 14 & 15 (King James Version)

12. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 

14. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

15. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. 

Scripture tells us here that if we forgive others of the sins they committed in our presence.. That God will forgive us the sins we have committed in the presence of others.

**Why don't I say the sins that were committed against us? Or the sins we committed against others??**

I can hear you seething on the inside.. How do I know that.. Cause there is right now millions of sins that have been done to you that are running through your mind and your wanting to yell them at me..
But those things were done.. yes you were hurt.. but ALL SIN IS DONE IN REBELLION TO GOD.. Now that rebellion often has collateral damage.. per se the shrapnel hits innocent victims.. Which is why GOD so seriously hates SIN! Because it always hurts people.. There isn't anyone who is left unharmed from any sinful behaviors..

So when Sin is committed.. And we all commit it..


I John 1:9 (39k)

God has no questions about "IF" we will sin..
So he gave us a sure fire way to be forgiven..
It means in HUMILITY.. We must come into his presence... usually on bended knee and lay out before him what we did that was wrong..(Don't forget he knew you would do it.. before you did it.. and HE SAW YOU DO IT.. When you did it.. so be honest!) And he will forgive us our sins.. 

And I am learning that by doing so.. if we keep our sin list short.. We become more humble.. more kind and more easy to get along with.. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Special Needs Children (Autism Spectrum especially) often need help understanding FEELINGS!

What would you do if your child didn't understand the different emotions?

So much in our lives is based on the ability to read a facial expression or to understand the subtle differences between persons when a situation is taking place..

Well here is an image that you can use.. and it will help your child.
Draw a face.. a smile for example. and then you can discuss what kinds of things it could mean..

Offering that dear child some assistance in understanding his or her world!

Here it is please copy and save.. and use for your own family!

Monday, April 21, 2014


 Why shop at Aldi's or Save-a-Lot?

I can give you LOTS OF REASONS..

The first reason... Is saves you money.

I hear people all the time saying we don't shop at Aldi's or Save-a-Lot.. Because we want top quality food..


I had to do a research report on nutrition and the food growing and production industry a few years ago.

Guess what I found out.. The same crews would go out into a field.. of per se corn.. and the "first cutting" of a field would be called grade "A" and they would pick only the best ears of corn.. And that would be sent to the edges of the field and be either flash frozen and sold then to either Del Monte or one of the other BIG NAME companies.. 

Then they would take huge combine tractors and go through the same fields.. cut down the entire stalks of corn.. and take all of it to the same edge of the field.. and separate the corn from the stalks.. The stalks were given to the farmers for their cows and silage..

But the stuff would be processed the same way.. in the same machines and grown on the same fields!

But they charge you a dollar a can more for that different label put on it!
To me it just isn't practical to pay more and get the same things.

I have tried both sides.. and get more for my money by being willing to go to ALDI'S AND Save-a-Lot!

Saves me time, money and SANITY!
Wouldn't you like your cabinets to look this full too?

These are the things I use to make all the things on my menu each month!

I go to the store Once a month and stock up.. 
Yes I go in once a week and I LIMIT MYSELF TO ONLY MILK, EGGS AND BREAD items!

Because sometimes the best deals on those things.. really are when they are on sale!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Homeschooling Journey ... I

I've been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a  homeschool curriculum , for  afterschool enrichme...