I'm sure we can all agree that God made everything on purpose. He makes nothing by accident. Nothing is happy until it finds the purpose for which God has make it. Seems like all we hear these days is "I want my rights" or "I want what is owed to me". Everyone is talking this way....but what about my purpose..my purpose.. or my place.. my place. That is what I want to address here.
You have only one right in life. And that is to find God's will and purpose for your life. Then sit securely and work actively right in the center of God's purpose and place for you. It is really the only way to find contentment. To be in the will of God is the highest honor given us. God has a specific purpose for each of His creatures. So, God then has a purpose for women.
You have only one right in life. And that is to find God's will and purpose for your life. Then sit securely and work actively right in the center of God's purpose and place for you. It is really the only way to find contentment. To be in the will of God is the highest honor given us. God has a specific purpose for each of His creatures. So, God then has a purpose for women.
I can see some of you are almost shell shocked at reading this..
(Did I say it was easy? NO! NO! NO!)
But who among us hasn't heard the old time adage about
"The things worth having aren't easy.. and the things that are easy aren't worth having?!"
(Did I say it was easy? NO! NO! NO!)
But who among us hasn't heard the old time adage about
"The things worth having aren't easy.. and the things that are easy aren't worth having?!"
But it is true.
Where else can you be the happiest?
God made you!
Psa_22:10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly.
God says in his word that from the moment you were being created in the womb that he had a plan for you..
Jer_1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Gal 1:15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,
Gal 1:16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
God has planned out your life.. As he would have it go..
Now we have free will and we are free to choose to do things contrary to his divine will for us..
And many of us do.. Actually ALL OF US DO..
First let me say that God didn't create man for you. Yep! you heard me right. God created you to be a help meet for man. You see ladies, I believe God saved the best for last....woman....created after everything else..Because man was incomplete...He had it all there in the garden. Every perfect thing and direct fellowship with God. But God saw that something was missing...He wanted Adam to have the best of everything, every desire met. So, to top off a perfect world He created woman FOR THE MAN.
Of course there isn't a "women's libber alive that sees any truth in what I'm trying to say here. Do you know what these women's libbers are? They are a group of confused women trying to find happiness and failing because they are searching outside of God's Word and God's plan. They say, "I have my rights too". No they don't-not yet! A woman does not have any right in this world until she's done this. Check it in the Bible; Always in the Bible she is to be the follower;
Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Then in verse 25;
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Who's supposed to start it? The wives! In Ephesians 6:1 we find,
Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. and then in verse 4, Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
What does that mean? God gives the command first to the follower. He says, "I want the wife to do her job first". That means He wants the child to obey the Mother first. That means He wants the child to obey even if the dad/mom is never the right kind of dad(If you don't believe that.. Check into the story of Abraham and Isaac.. Daddy Abraham allowed his wife Sarah to be taken into a kings harem to essentially be used as a sex toy.. TWICE.. Yet you never find a place where God made some provision for Isaac to not have to obey his daddy.. EVEN WHEN ABRAHAM took him up a mountain to slay him as a sacrifice unto God.. But then again.. God knew he wasn't going to make Abraham actually kill the child. Yet I bet Isaac was pretty scared! I admit in my humanity I would have run). God specifically instructs children to obey regardless! Now lets look at another example from the Word of God,
Also parents.. Side note here.. If your child never learns to obey an respect you.. How do you expect he will ever obey anyone else? How about respecting another source of authority? Where will he learn that?
Oh and Mommy.. If you speak trash about your husband.. The kids will know it..
They will in turn do it to you.. Sass you.. Backtalk.. You better watch what you sew..
I should know.. I almost ruined my marriage with that.. And I have an 11 year old boy.. who still thinks he has the right to rip me up and down.. And who taught it to him.. I DID.. Hangs head in shame!
Also parents.. Side note here.. If your child never learns to obey an respect you.. How do you expect he will ever obey anyone else? How about respecting another source of authority? Where will he learn that?
Oh and Mommy.. If you speak trash about your husband.. The kids will know it..
They will in turn do it to you.. Sass you.. Backtalk.. You better watch what you sew..
I should know.. I almost ruined my marriage with that.. And I have an 11 year old boy.. who still thinks he has the right to rip me up and down.. And who taught it to him.. I DID.. Hangs head in shame!
Eph 6:5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;
and then in verse 9 the masters are exhorted to be good masters. God always puts on the follower the burden of having the initiative and the being aggressive in their obedience. Wives, you do it first. Children, you do it first. Servants you do it first.
Who is harsh, unkind, inconsiderate..
He won't take our duty to obey the orders God gave us..
But God protects us..
God works in our lives.. Often to help us in unseen ways..
But woman ... Stop and understand something..
Who is harsh, unkind, inconsiderate..
He won't take our duty to obey the orders God gave us..
But God protects us..
God works in our lives.. Often to help us in unseen ways..
But woman ... Stop and understand something..
He wasn't made to help you in the home, but if he does that is an added blessing, but it is not part of God's plan. You were made for him not the other way around. Man's main business is outside the home, woman’s in. It’s our domain, our castle. So he doesn't clean, give you the attention that you crave, well the Bible doesn't say he's supposed to do that. You be what you ought to be so you can make your man to be what he ought to be and in that.. VERY OFTEN.. God puts it into the heart of a man or a master/boss to give you what you need.
What happens if he doesn't change you ask.. Well Israel the nation did spend 400 years in slavery in Egypt.. Maybe instead of taking you out of the situation.. He wants you to be a blessing to those near you.. In the situation your in!
But I don't like to hear that..
I know..
I don't either..
I will tell you.. I would hate to be the woman who forsook some of the blessings GOD had for me.. by being disobedient.
Now.. let me also clarify one thing..
God doesn't tell you to stay if your being hit!
Get to safety.. And if your husband can NEVER be trusted again..
As long as you are alive and he is alive.. God could work a miracle..
Do you want to see God work a miracle?? In your life??
10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
1 Corinthians 7:10-16
1 Corinthians 7:32-40
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