Here's my solution to the rising price of EVERYTHING!
I can't change what they charge you or me for Groceries.
I can't change what they charge us for shampoo and other hygiene items..
But I can till up some of my yard and plant stuff I and my family will eat..
And that's exactly what I have done.
These are my Tomato's and Green and Red Peppers
Butternut & Acorn Squash
Spaghetti Squash + Watermelon and Pumpkins
Yellow and White Onions, Green Onions Parsnips and Carrots & Rutabaga & Broccoli & Cauliflower
This is the Planting schedule I am using!
And I know that there are a lot of people who say they don't have the time. But all of this got done in 3 days of 6 hours.
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