Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Patience, Experience and Hope.. God's way!

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:3-6

Let me take just one moment and elaborate on this thought..

I know that no one likes Tribulations. Tribulations aka Troubles, Trials, Afflictions, Testings or Sufferings. These can come in any number of ways..

Job Loss
Family problems-School issues,Children disobeying,Probation,Behavior issues...
Custody battles..

The above are merely a beginning on a very LARGE list of possibilities of things that can and will put you and your family through some deep tribulations.

Those tribulations produce patience.. God says so.
Did you know that GOD intentionally gives us Tribulations!

WHY? Well let us look into God's word here for a possible reason..

knowing that tribulation worketh patience

God says he knows that when we experience Tribulations.. It works out to produce PATIENCE in our lives... 

Now HONESTLY.. Can you tell me that you don't need some more patience?! 

I sure do!

Once we understand God isn't allowing these things for malicious reasons.. We can start to understand.. These things are used to bring personal growth. And to teach us to trust him. Because he is there.. He does walk with us through each of these situations. 

So what else do these Tribulations do?

And patience, experience,

The tribulations.. work Patience.. and the Patience allows us to have experience.. You who have more than one child understand ... Once you have had one.. and have delt with sleepless nights.. You feel differently about how to prepare for a 2nd child.. Correct.. Why? Because you have EXPERIENCE... You know better what to expect. Why does that matter? Well the very first night of no sleep and then having to get up and go someplace.. Was pretty horrible wasn't it.. But once you start to know how to deal with it.. You pretty quickly either learn to keep a steady supply of Liquid Caffeinated Energy near by.. AKA For all future readers.. IS COFFEE!

But that is how I overcame those sleepless nights.. But my experiance told me I needed that.. I wasn't so hard to deal with.. You know what I mean?

and experience, hope:

How does experiance work hope?

Well as someone who suffers from depression on a fairly frequent basis.. I will tell you.. THERE IS HOPE.. When we know that we have been down the dark tunnel and have survived.. THERE IS HOPE! HOPE THAT IT WILL END, HOPE THAT THE SUN WILL SHINE AGAIN AND HOPE .. That this isn't the end!

However.. For today.. This really is the end..

So my friends.. Please Let God work patience, and experience and Hope.. into your lives!

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